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Writer's pictureDoug Gamblin

I Killed it at the Cookie Swap, and so can YOU!

Is the neighborhood Cookie Swap coming up and you'd like something dazzling to share with your friends without spending the whole afternoon in the kitchen?

Is it "goodie box" time for your friends and you'd like something new to share instead of overly sweet, star-shaped sugar cookies and crusty fudge?

Is it time for the holiday office potluck and you want to impress the boss with something insanely delicious?

These Five-Star Recipes Await! (At Gamblinteam, we don't settle for anything less than Five Stars!)

From the Gooey, Finger-Licking Category

It's time to make some delicious Carmelitas! Imagine luscious chocolate and caramel sitting on a toasty bed of oats. Hey! Maybe it's breakfast food.

From the "Cookie vs. Brownie" Category

Brookies are a beautiful mashup of brownies and chocolate chip cookie batter. It's your two favorite treats in one delicious bite!

From the "Kids with Sticky Hands" Category

Marshmallows combine with cornflakes to create a treat that kids will love to make--AND eat! Decorate with sprinkles, M&M's, red hots, etc.

From the "I've Watched the Baking Shows and I'm Ready for Something More Challenging" Category

Macarons are everywhere--from French bakeries to Costco samples to baking shows. If you are ready to try your hand at these naturally gluten-free treats, Sally (from Sally's Baking Addition) breaks the process down into small, manageable chunks. Have fun!

Let the baking commence. Happy Holidays!

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